Welcome to Hypnotherapy Townsville
With Hypnosis and Emotional Freedom Therapy you successfully alter patterns and habits to create freedom from….
- Addiction like Cigarettes, Vaping, Alcohol or Gambling (1500+ Clients)
- Anxiety, Fears, Phobias
- PTSD – Post Traumatic Syndrome
- Weight Challenges and Emotional Eating (1700+ Clients)
- Low Self-Esteem
- Anger Management
- Grief and sadness
- Depression
- Mental Health issues
With over 50 years combined experience we use a combination of Hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Tapping, Psychotherapy, Counselling, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and LifeSuccess Coaching.
We have combined these modalities that are faster and more effective than traditional talk therapy to help 1000’s of clients live their best life.
Imagine feeling a deep sense of peace in your day-to-day life….
- Springing out of bed each morning feeling recharged and positive after a deep, rejuvenating sleep
- Being completely confident and relaxed in social situations
- Feeling positive and excited about the future
- Free of addictions, fear, self-doubt, insecurities, anxiety and constant negative self-talk.
We work with the power of your Subconscious Mind to help you create these changes from the inside out.
Are you looking for a more Peaceful Life?

Hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Therapy, Life Coaching & Counselling
Faster and more Effective than Traditional Talk Therapy

DISCOVER the Root Cause of your Limiting Beliefs that have held you back

RELEASE those Limiting Beliefs and their Emotional Links to the past

REPROGRAM your Subconscious Mind with your New Empowering Beliefs

LEARN more of the Tools to help you create that life of Happiness you deserve
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Hypnotherapy Specialists Townsville
Perhaps you’ve reached that point your mental health where you are over y the struggle. You might not know how you are going to achieve your goal just yet, but that’s our job to help you. You know deep down you’re ready for something better, it is time for a decision.
We will teach you how to transform whichever areas of your life you want to change. We give you the understanding and the tools that very few people know about. We simplify the complex and make it easier for you to achieve your goals and emotional freedom.
How do I get started?
It’s as simple as calling for a Complimentary phone chat to see how we can best help you.
Most people come to us because they are struggling with some area of their lives. It could be that you are struggling with addiction, challenging emotions that you can’t seem to let go of, it could be a relationship issue with family or an unhappy work environment.
Maybe it’s dealing with difficult emotions, which often leads to all sorts of coping behaviours. We have helped thousands of people Quit Smoking and Quit Vaping, achieve their Weight Loss Goals, enjoy greater Freedom and Peace with our Anxiety Busting Program, achieve Freedom from Addictions to Alcohol and Gambling, Post Traumatic Stress syndrome and much more using Hypnotherapy, Emotional Freedom Tapping, (Somatic Healing) plus other powerful tools; to create happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives. Is this something you are looking for?
Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs
Most people we see have never experienced Hypnosis or EFT Tapping before, skepticism is natural and healthy and we invite you to read our Frequently Asked Questions to help you understand. When you understand it makes it easier for us to work together to help you achieve your goals.
You won’t do or think anything under hypnosis that you wouldn’t normally do or think. You can’t be controlled. If people in a stage show act silly it’s because they want to.
As a general rule, yes – anyone with at least average intelligence and the ability to follow instructions AND wants to enter hypnosis, can be hypnotised. With that being said, there are certain conditions where hypnosis is not recommended, ie: major clinical depression, suicidal ideations, and psychotic disorders.
Typically, you will be guided into hypnosis about half way through a session. In some complex cases, the first session is spent getting detailed background. Then hypnosis can be used to reinforce your goals, or to uncover and remove troubling issues. A strong counselling element is also likely to play a part in the process.
Hypnosis is refreshing, relaxing, and energising; for some even more refreshing than sleep. Most important is the fact that it works— people get results. Hypnosis is experienced as a state of being deeply relaxed. In fact, if you wanted to compare hypnosis to anything, the closest you could get is when you are extremely relaxed early in the morning just waking up or late at night just drifting off into sleep where you are not really sure if you are awake or sleeping.
The number of required sessions varies between individuals and the nature of the therapy. As a rule, hypnotherapy is considered short-term therapy compared to conventional psychotherapy, meaning you will spend, on average, 3-5 sessions instead of several months or years of sessions with only talk therapy. Quit smoking is different in that it typically only requires one specialised 2 & 1/2 hour session.
Yes. Most addictions are caused by events deeply buried in the past. While treating addictions many methods fail to address these issues, and so really only deal with symptoms. Hypnotherapy addresses the causes. We specialise in working with clients who wish to manage their alcohol, smoking, vaping, marijuana and gambling use.
Hypnosis is perfectly safe. No one has ever been hurt using hypnosis. When you are in the relaxed state of hypnosis you are still awake and aware of everything that is occurring. You are still in control of what you do and don’t do. You cannot be made to do anything you don’t want to do. You will remember everything that occurs during the session and you can’t get ‘stuck’ in hypnosis just like you can’t get stuck in a relaxed state.
No, it would be unethical for any hypnotist, therapist, counsellor, doctor, coach, or health practitioner to provide any guarantee. We cannot guarantee your success as we are not capable of “making” people do anything. Hypnosis helps you make changes easier, but ultimately your success is up to you. With that being said, I suppose if you can guarantee that you will follow every single suggestion we provide, then that would guarantee your success.
You have an unconscious and conscious mind. Your unconscious mind is the one that drives your life. It does everything you don’t think about – for example all your habits that you just automatically do without having to think about them. And the conscious mind is the part of your mind that thinks, and makes choices, and decides what it is you do and don’t want to do.
The problem is that your unconscious mind will take over when you are not consciously thinking about what you’re doing. For example, have you ever driven to your destination and realised you don’t remember much of the drive? This is because you were likely daydreaming about other things with your conscious mind, and so your unconscious mind took over driving the car out of habit.
What hypnosis does is it utilises this state of deep relaxation where your unconscious mind is open to directly absorbing new beliefs, thoughts and habits. This means that when you are not consciously thinking you are on autopilot and will do what you have always done.
Hypnosis provides access to the unconscious mind where most of our behaviour originates. With our guidance, you literally change undesirable emotions, habits, and behaviours into new desirable ones. You create a new you!