Weight Loss Townsville
Are you wanting to fit into your favourite jeans?
Imagine you’ve had a sudden change in your eating habits and your reason for eating. Your body is responding positively to that change and all that extra weight is just gradually disappearing from your body.
You like the look of your new reflection in the mirror. You have so much more energy and everything is just easier. This is all possible and can be achieved without the dieting, surgery, shakes, dangerous medications, boot camps or deprivation. It can all happen with Weight Loss Townsville using the power of Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis (the easiest and best way to lose weight) and EFT Tapping. The combination of these 2 therapies is transformational.
Are you ready to meet the new slimmer you?
The most effective way to lose weight and keep it off is by working with the unconscious part of your mind. As we go through life, we have our own individual set of life experiences, they lay the foundation of our beliefs and automated behaviours. This impacts the choices, thoughts and actions we take every day.
The Virtual Gastric Band is a psychology-based hypnotic weight loss program, designed to simply and radically change how you think about food. It also harnesses the amazing power of an Energy Psychology technique, called Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) or Tapping to clear and release trapped emotional triggers for bingeing, emotional eating and cravings. Creating Freedom from Emotional Eating for Life.
With Weight Loss Townsville, The Virtual Gastric Band trains you to think about food more pragmatically – and results in steady, sustainable weight loss – without dieting, and completely naturally.
Are you ready to be Slimmer, Fitter, Healthier and Happier?

With Weight Loss Townsville you will be Slimmer, Fitter, Healthier and Happier
Take a moment to ask yourself these questions:
Are you tired of the head battle that you go through and the constantly thinking about food that happens with any kind of calorie restriction type of program whether it is dieting or shakes?
Do you avoid being in photos and going to social gatherings? Have you found yourself becoming more and more conscious of how you look and more judgmental and critical of yourself?
Do you eat for boredom, comfort or stress?
You’ve probably never considered hypnotherapy to lose weight, but it is the best way to lose weight and is very effective weight loss giving long term change because it addresses the real underlying problems which are: an unhealthy relationship with food and stress management.
Have you been recommended to have “Gastric Sleeve Weight Loss Surgery”? Perhaps you have seen others who have had the surgery, lose a lot of weight really quickly, then start to regain the weight again after a couple of years.
One of the great lessons from this is that for those who choose the Gastric Sleeve Surgery they did not have a faulty stomach in the first place, they had a faulty relationship with food, surgery does not fix this problem.
It is just another short term quick fix and does not address the real underlying problems which is why so many people regain their weight.
With the Weight Loss Hypnosis Program we address the real problems to help you create permanent transformation physically and emotionally so you can look and feel your best healthy weight….
Easily lose from 5kg to 90kg or more
An amazing Weight Loss program that applies a non-surgical gastric band to the stomach using clinical hypnosis in our first session to reduce portion size. Then during the following weeks we keep addressing other issues such as cravings, emotional eating, binging, building a new body image, stress and making healthy food choices using the EFT Tapping.
EFT Tapping Reduces Food Cravings and fMRI Scans Show Changes in the Brain
In this study 15 obese adults in total; 10 were allocated to an EFT Tapping treatment, and 5 to a control group (where they received no intervention for their cravings). They were all scanned using fMRI before and after a four-week EFT Tapping treatment phase.

“There has been a lot of research, and as a result there is a lot of evidence, on the changes in human behaviour and observable improvements that EFT can have on people with conditions like obesity – namely weight loss, reduced food cravings and weight management,” said Dr Stapleton.
This system successfully harnesses the power we all have within ourselves to make changes. People of all shapes and sizes find long term solutions to their weight problems with EFT Tapping and Virtual Gastric Band Hypnotherapy.
There are four one-on-one personally tailored Hypnosis and EFT Tapping sessions for you over six weeks, either in our Townsville clinic or online, which are designed to bring about permanent change in your eating habits. There are simple guidelines to follow to support yourself on your journey.
Transform Your Relationship with Food, Create Your Best Self by Eliminating:
- Emotional Eating
- Cravings
- Binge Eating
- Comfort Eating
- Other Unhealthy Eating & Drinking Behaviours
- Release Exercise Aversion
- Release Negative Body Image Talk
- Release your Insecurities
- Enhance your Internal Image of Yourself
- Clear limiting beliefs about yourself……
Learn how to clear the root cause of these damaging behaviours.
End your weight loss struggles, eliminate stress with eating and create the body and life of your dreams, where you feel confident, happy and in control.
How does it all work?
Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis is a non-surgical technique which uses the power of hypnosis to help you feel satisfied with smaller portions of food. The mind is convinced that the stomach is full after less food and there is no desire to eat more.
This therapy changes your thoughts around food and helps you to gain control over your habits and cravings with food. Weight is lost naturally and consistently without dieting. There are predictable results with ZERO risk.
This virtual version deals with the issues in your mind and your relationship with food. Gastric Sleeve surgery is high risk with limited long term results and is very restrictive with diet.
How is the program structured?
- 4 individually tailored sessions over 6 weeks
- Reinforced by listening to a “Support Hypnosis” MP3
- With Takeaway Resources to help you develop the right habits for long-term success
- Tapping sessions to address any limiting beliefs that cause emotional eating, cravings, binging etc.
Each session builds on the previous session to give you back control
Session 1: We discuss your history and how that may have contributed to your eating patterns, teach you how your mind works, give you a basic foundation to follow to build your new habits and then do hypnosis as we take you through a Virtual Gastric Band Surgery.
Session 2: We discuss any challenges you may have had through out your week, celebrate your wins, address any emotional triggers for making poor food choices, then we do hypnosis again to reinforce your new habits and thinking.
Session 3: We again discuss your previous 2 weeks and how you have gone, celebrate your wins and address any other issues that may have a arisen before we do your next reinforcing hypnosis session.
Session 4: We again check in with where you are at, then we go into your exercise habits, look to see if you have any blocks or resistance to exercise and start to work on a plan that would work for you. Then we do the hypnosis to reinforce all that we have discussed.
We have a second option, a completely online program for weight loss that includes all the same resources at a discounted price. Your investment in your future health and happiness is just one phone call away, lets chat about how we can help you achieve your weight loss goal, call 0418 183 080.
What is involved?
We enable you to create new habits to successfully maintain your results long term. There are also long term support structures in place for your continued success.

What happens in a session?
A thorough consultation establishes your current eating habits and identifies any problematic areas such as comfort eating, not being able to leave food on a plate, even if full, large portion sizes, unhealthy cravings, and so on. We will discuss relevant areas such as healthy eating patterns, mindful eating, and exercise, before setting goals for your weight loss.
Session 1: The Gastric Band ‘Procedure’ – you are guided gently into hypnosis this happens easily and very comfortably to a point of deep relaxation, where we can access your subconscious and increase your susceptibility to positive suggestion.
We then use your imagination to take you descriptively through the operation step by step – from being put under anesthetic and the journey on a trolley to the operating theatre, of course you are perfectly comfortable and safe and there is no pain or discomfort whatsoever, remember this is a virtual operation of the mind.
Although you are in hypnosis you remain aware of what’s going on around you, when in hypnosis the subconscious mind doesn’t understand the difference between what is real and imagined, the boundaries of what is real and pretend are blurred, so that in imagining the surgical procedure under hypnosis, it can in fact influence the real physical responses that you feel after the session is finished.
Everyone experiences different effects from gastric band hypnotherapy, with some people experiencing the sensation of physical tightening in their stomach, while others are unable to identify any conscious connection to the ‘surgery’, but are naturally eating less and satisfied on much smaller portions.
Some of our weight loss success stories:
Read some of our weight loss success stories here.