I started my journey on the 4 December 2019 at 160kg (approximately, as some of you will know the feeling of not wanting to actually know how much you weigh).
I had been through the loss of my father suddenly after extensive surgery to remove a large amount of cancer on his face and head and within 6 weeks of my father passing away the loss of my grandmother, on top of other stresses in my life.
I ate my way through grief and stress to the point where I could not function as a person any longer, I would have to sleep when I got home from work because I was so tired, my sleep apnoea was so severe I would wake thinking I was choking, my sugar levels were dropping to 3, my feet were so swollen I could barely walk and everyday tasks were a challenge.
My self-esteem was so low I did not want to leave the house because I felt uncomfortable and judged by others (I honestly do believe now that this was just my insecurities and judgemental thoughts about myself).
My doctors were all encouraging me to have weight loss surgery – but for me this was not something I wanted – I knew however if I did not do something the likelihood of surviving past 45 was not very high.
I was Googling alternatives to weight loss surgery and found Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis in Townsville with Wendy and Colin Soper. Immediately I booked in with them and promised myself if this did not work then surgery was my only option.
It has honestly been easy to make the changes because unlike anything else out there VGB changes your mind set about food, this critical factor is the one thing that all other weight loss options fail in, and trust me I have tried them ALL.
This is the first time in my weight loss journey life that I feel confident that I am going to achieve my goal and maintain it for the rest of my life. My GP has also asked me what I have done to achieve such a fantastic result and is now recommending VGB to patients as an alternative to surgery.
I have lost 80kg since December 2019, I cannot describe how much better I feel, I have so much energy and I am so much happier in myself. I am no longer an emotional eater and I now choose healthy nourishing food – Thank you again Wendy for giving me the tools to regain my life back.
My goal dress I bought last year when I first started this journey is now too big.
The new photo is me with only 3kg till goal weight – it was an amazing feeling to actually like a photo of myself for the first time in over 10 years.
THANK YOU Wendy and THANK YOU VGB for helping me to enjoy my life and have confidence again.
Amanda (Innisfail)
Learn more about the services and techniques provided by the Hypnosis and Emotional Freedom Centre.