Georgie’s Weight Loss Journey

I have been on the Virtual Gastric Band program for 5 months now and found it very easy, very painless, just a mind change. I have tried a hundred different things before but I could never stick with anything or it never worked. This is really easy. Looking forward; this is a permanent change for me for the rest of my life and I will never go back to where I was and I am very excited about that! I have joined a gym for the very first time and dropped 18 kilos, I have reached my original goal, but have reset now to reduce another 5 kg. My clothes are very baggy now which makes me feel good and motivated to keep going. In the past I was so focused on food and diets they used to run my life, but now I don’t even think about it and would recommend the program 100 per cent to others. Georgie

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