Sarita’s Weight Loss Journey

On New Year’s Day 2020, I re-hurt my back, my mother who has severe Parkinson’s had a fall while giving my 10year old son a hug before he was to undergo surgery. All this on top of my already overwhelmed world was enough for me to know it was time for me to reach out to Wendy and Colin.

What a wonderful life-changing decision. After only just 6-weeks on the program and the wonderful support from Wendy, I weighed 9.9kg less and feel much slimmer, healthier and happier. I am sleeping more soundly and definitely not as tired and unmotivated throughout the day.

Before doing the program, I would never have said that I was an emotional eater but I now understand that I was. I am really enjoying the healthier smaller portions compared to what I used to feel when eating way too much to the point of feeling nauseous. It has been 4 weeks since I finished the 6-week program and I continue to feel better and stronger every day.

In the past, I would avoid photos of myself or stand in the background so as not be the focus. I had trouble finding photos to share but found a couple. The final 3 were taken 1 week ago.

Sarita (Ayr)

Learn more about the services and techniques provided by the Hypnosis and Emotional Freedom Centre.

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